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Incredimail Letters - Digital Photography

IncrediMail and Digital Photography

If you are using IncrediMail and like to make your own letter stationery then you will also be looking to purchase a good digital camera. At first you may think it is not necessary, however, when you start making your own letters in Letter Creator, you will be looking for photos and graphics and having a good digital camera, makes that easier.

Many IncrediMail users create graphics for their letters in Paintshop Pro or Photoshop.Being able to use your own photos taken with a digital camera is something very special and gives more satisfaction than using other peoples free graphics.

Look for Tutorials on the Internet for Letter Creator (I have one here href=" ">"Letter Creator Tutorial" and after working through a few simple Tutorials you will be making letters in no time. It is also advisable to look for some PSP Tutorials as well. They will give you great ideas on how best to use the tools in the program to create the graphics for your letters.

Which Digital Camera to Buy

It can be very confusing for anyone looking to purchase a Digital camera because of all the specifications that are advertised for each camera. In my opinion you should look for a camera with 3 megapixels or more. Don't pay any attention to the Digital zoom as this is like stretching the lens. If you had the choice of a 3x Optical zoom camera or a camera with 2x Optical zoom with 20 times Digital Zoom you would be better going for the 3x Optical zoom Camera. Try to purchase rechargable batteries plus a spare set so you have a set on charge all the time.

Too Much in Photo

If you have taken what you thought was a pretty good photo only to find when you view it that there is undesirable or unwanted details in the image, don't delete it yet. When you download the pic to your computer open it in PSP or other software and crop it using the cropping tool. Most of the time you will be able to crop your photo to show only what you wanted in the picture. Because of the number of pixels now available in modern digital cameras,you should still be able to obtain a decent sized photo. So be patient.

Good Photos-Don't shake the camera

Although my Canon digital camera is equiped with Image Stabilizer I have found that on many occasions I have not been able to get my pics sharp enough. The trouble is that modern digital cameras have such long Optical zoom. Then when you add the digital zoom there is obsolutely no room for any movement. So it is imperative that you and I make a decision to take a good quality camera tripod with us when we head out to take some photos. It is never easy to haul a tripod around but without it those photos will not be as sharp as they should be.

Here is another situation when you should use a tripod: It is little Johnny's Birthday and you want some pics of him blowing out the candles. Because of the low light you would normally use the flash but in this case turn the flash off. The flash provides a very hard light but without the flash the candles or light bulbs provide a warm orange/red tone.Because of low shutter speeds without the flash the tripod is a must to provide really sharp pics.

Shooting Beautiful Sunsets

We all love to watch a Sunset and to get a good photo is something we prize. However what we saw when we looked in the viewfinder isn't always what turns out after we have clicked the button!!

Those really dramatically colorful sunsets have extremely vibrant shades and by using the white balance in the camera these colors are faded and washed out. So try turning off the white balance when shooting sunsets and see how sharp your images are. Oh, and don't forget, with exposure times of one or two seconds when shooting sunsets, you will have to remember to take the tripod... Try placing a Palm Tree in your sunset pic. No Palm tree? Just open one of your holiday photos in PSP, lasso a palm tree with the lasso tool, and dump it in your sunset pic.